D E S E R T · C H E C K

Paola Kudacki for Teen Vogue

without any aparent reason, I never go over the pages of Teen Vogue. I love teenager culture and young faces and Vogue, at least the idea of it, but I just never find it in me...I know this has to change. spotted this editorial in the sandy desert and loved it. I could dress like this in autumn if I hadn't made the silence promise of dressing as a surf girl for the rest of my 20's. but whom am I trying to mess with? that's not gonna happen. I like fashion and playing around with unflattering shapes and nasty colors too much. it's just than when I am in beach towns such as now in Maui, I find myself lusting over every Billabong, Quicksilver, Volcolm and Hurley stores..sight
anyways, back to the Teen Vogue editorial. printed bw Opening Ceremony sweater is crying for held to rescue. although the matching pants by Isabel Marant make a little more noise. Tye die, prints, plaids and colors make it for my next season, even starting now. the jewlery choices are becoming more and more difficult. Mawi has been always a favorite of mine, but seeing these, Ligia Dias is now officially in my wishlist as well. and I am sure looking for more at Melet Mercantile. what is this Clockwork-Orange hat? I am out buying the Louise Gray cardi. now back to the surf chick mode

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is a great editorial. i know what you mean, although they got rid of the uk versions. i can remember reading ELLE girl and loving that when i was younger but i think that was discontinued too


